Helpers needed for Woolworths NSG NET Winter Competition 2025
NetSetGO is Australia’s official starter program for girls and boys aged 5 to 9. It’s a chance to learn the netball basics, get outside and make some friends. For a lot of kids, this is the first time they’ll pick up a netball or chuck on a bib. It’s a learning experience. And a lot of fun.
SCNA is looking to fill a number of positions for our NetSetGo Net competition this year. We need a NetSetGo Net coordinator and a number of helpers (14+) to run the Net program and to assist our coordinator with this program.
When: Saturday mornings 8:45am (set up) with the program running from 9am @ SCNA courts.
The NET program will commence on Saturday 3rd May 2025 and conclude on Saturday 31st August 2025. We expect that the program will run for an hour from 9am. (Time to be confirmed) We will not be running during school holidays or on the King's Birthday Weekend.
It is expected that the coordinator/helpers will be available for most if not all weeks of the program. If you are likely to be unavailable on any particular dates, please let us know ASAP
These are paid positions, and all helpers will receive remuneration for their time